Sunday, 16 April 2017

聊聊投资 l Investment

HIHIHI 我的博客 我的心情 我的记载~ 终于有时间来做小小更新!

人生一辈子是那么的短暂 所以要精彩。至于 “精彩” 这词对每个人都有着不同的定义 不同的见解!回头想想 这9年来,我的人生虽然跌跌撞撞 但 很精彩 我活得很潇洒 很独立 —— 或许说 释放了内心最向往的自己吧 ...  对我来说 做自己 聆听内心那把声音 学会放下 最美最精彩。梦想 很美,但 不追 空想叫 幻想

每个人都有着自己憧憬的生活模式 但 身不由己 已成为我们的护身符!想想 觉得很可笑 如果当初没有那场意外 我或许也没有那股勇气 那股傻劲 .. 那么今天的我又会在哪里 快乐吗?看过那么一句话:上帝在关起一扇门时 必定会为我们开启另一扇门窗。所以 我的人生中出现了你们 我的家人,我的朋友,我的顾客,我的贵人,我每一个有缘的 你们...

一直到最近开始了投资 并公开分享 // 这让我的感触更深 因为你们的信任。坦白说:刚开始我也很犹豫很矛盾 因为 投资 是很敏感的课题,因为大家会把它统一归类为 Money Game!但是世界在变,科技在进步,未来的趋势在演变,人们的思想也随之在改变。而且 老实说一句 你对Money Game 本身的定义在哪里呢?

对我来说 它 一点都不复杂 它很简单:做工是Active Income,投资是Passive Income。我们只不过是拨出自己薪水的一部分来 投资 不偷不抢不骗的 难道真的有那么严重? 其实放眼看去 现在的年轻人都玩起了投资,要说他们好高骛远 不脚踏实地吗?我认为 这只不过是一个金钱趋势,因为我们赚钱的速度 远远比不上通货膨胀的速度。3年前 3年后 或许你的薪水起伏并不太大,但物价房价却远远飙涨翻了无数倍!也因为 马币 持续下跌,就算把钱放在银行定期 也是亏本生意。

所以 一个词 是褒义 还是贬义 取决于自己的心态。过分贪婪利用 它 必定是贬义;但 善加利用 它 也可以是褒义词。


Sunday, 9 April 2017


Hihihi guys! 2017 is a special year for me, because I finally submit my white envelope and resign on February after 2 years at Singapore. The first day of March I fly to Hong Kong and Macau. Within this 2 years in Singapore, I am clear that I am spending my time for others to build their dreams; then how about my dreams? Who ever care for it if I myself give up?
嗨嗨嗨 大家好. 2017年对我来讲是很特别的一年 因为我终于告别了2年在新加坡打工的日子!离职后的隔天 我就马上飞往香港澳门~ 在新加坡工作的这两年 我很清楚的知道我利用我的时间来建立别人的梦想 那么我的梦想呢?如果我踏出社会后 把它遗忘了.... 那么一路下来的朝九晚五生活 我快乐吗?

So within this 2 years, I never stop to think and action. I start to do overseas purchase while travelling and online business. Can't to get rich but at least time free and financial free.
所以在打工的这两年里 我一直找寻机会 我开始旅游做代购和微商!虽然不能致富 但至少时间自由 金钱自由(够吃 够用 够买)

Everything did change until my friend, Anna did share me an investment called Pollywood via Wechat. After that, I fly down to KL for the first Pollystar sharing meeting at Velocity Cafe, Ampang.
一直到有一天 我的朋友也是我的网络贵人 介绍我这个投资拆分盘 - Pollywood. 我也飞去KL Pollystar的分享会 自己亲自了解~ 感恩我看懂了也加入了Pollywood(我的致富计划)

 I see the chance, the hope to get rich, and I invest USD10k. I'm One Star Director.
投资了USD10千 我是一星总监

Life is short but interesting. " Since we can't change the environment, let's change ourself to adapt the environment." My favourite quotes always. My Life x My Story

Friday, 7 April 2017


My eyebrow solution - 10 Style Natural Aesthetics.

It is well located at Taman Sutera, Skudai Johor. Same row with the Public Bank. When I first step in the shop, deeply fall in love with it. Spaces, comfortable and relax natural feel. Decorated with wooden and plants with white color wall.

A great view for you to take a picture down.

Okie, let's jump into my topic. I am a lazy bum who don't like and don't even know how to proper self make up, because eyebrows are the major problem to me. My eyebrows is not equal balance, which means left side eyebrow is slightly higher than right side eyebrow and my eyebrow shape is quite weird since it growing down instead of up. It did make me look like so exhausted.

Forgive me for not record down the before picture. 

Eyebrow shape is very very important. (After)💖💖💖

Thanks to my eyebrow designer, April. She did a great work to solve all my problems and patiently discuss the shape, color with me. I totally trust her professional and she has a high demand on her work which is totally good for us.

And can you noticed that my eyebrow have some small red dots? This is because I did my eyebrow last few years (I guess... forgot the actual time) And the color was still there.. So April help me to laser it away, to make my eyebrow even more perfect. Just wait for it to fade

My eyebrows look nice and I so much love it. It looks so much NATURAL.

After done, they will give you a small pack of repair cream, apply a thin layer before you shower and clean your face area. This is to prevent your eyebrow from water.

Hey guys. If you also face the same eyebrow problems, may contact them via Whatsapp +60186681828 or //
FB Inbox 10 Style Natural Aesthetics.

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Hello guys. Today I'm going to share my story here by mother tougue Mandarin.

" If you can't change the environment, do change yourself to adapt the environment. "
时间不会因为你的悲伤而停留 世界也不会因为你的抱怨而停止前进

Picture taken on 2015 at SG.

2009年 我人生考验的开始 一切的一切噩耗接踵而来 打乱了我的人生
现在回想起来 当天意外发生时印象还很清晰的烙印在我脑海里
或许它是我永远都抹不去的回忆 虽说现在我已经释怀了
但不否认我曾经想过:如果没有那场意外 现在的我是不是会更好?

Picture Collage. (I don't even took photo when I was burn, all this surgery are took on 2014, last op)

被大火严重3度灼伤 小命是保住了 但难看丑陋的疤痕将伴随我一生
我当时还是16岁的小女孩!“ 我还有很美好的未来 为什么是我”...

整个长达6年的治疗 有欢笑有泪水
虽然艰辛 虽然痛苦 但这必经之路 我走过来了
社会大众的目光 评论 现在已经无法将我击倒
只要你不放弃 坚持微笑走下去 总会迎来曙光
美丽漂亮的脸蛋固然重要 但正面开朗的心态更强大

Picture taken on 2010 year end when I almost graduated.

人生很短暂但很精彩 只要活着就是希望 就是转折
老天选择让我提早从爸妈身边毕业 学习独立 不再只是个傲慢的小公主 必有它原因
但无可否认 它让我变得无比坚强 也成长了 更清楚自己要的是什么
我的人生虽然不平坦 但我还是跨过了 向我的人生致敬!

Do what you love, love what you do. Life is short, be appreciate.

Picture taken on 2016 at Hong Kong.